Nicole Valdivieso Ortiz, the new Queen of Manabí 2022, is one of the beautiful Manabí women who is proud of her land. Nicole is 100 percent manaba roots; At 24 years old, she is the eldest of three siblings. He comes from a family overflowing with love and kindness, one that at an early age instilled in him respect and pride for his people.
Since she was little, she demonstrated her talents for art and beauty. He has always had an elegant silhouette and great height, although this last characteristic became a reason for bullying in his teenager.
Nicole, Queen of Manabí acclaimed by her people, says that she overcame those jokes and her demeanor made her a benchmark on the catwalk and she even launched her Diamant Model Agency venture, which is successful today.
He is a professional athlete in the discipline of volleyball and an animal rescuer. His favorites are cats and dogs. He likes to share time with his family and enjoy every tourist corner of his province of Manabí.
Nicole is also a Nutrition and Dietetics student, although her recent achievement or lifelong dream is to be the Queen of Manabí 2022, chosen from a bouquet of 16 manabí flowers.
Transparent, simple and proving to be very human, in an interview with TURISEC, she expresses that her priority will be the promotion of the tourist and gastronomic attractions of her land, in addition to contributing to her province to achieve awareness and empowerment of self-esteem, as a legacy. This is Nicole, Queen of Manabí.
For the 202 years of independence of Portoviejo (her city of origin that was celebrating on October 18) the new Queen of Manabí 2022 praises the fight against the Spanish monarchy. Nicole expresses a message full of deep civility and love for Portoviejo, the city of the Royal Tamarindos, "Long live Manabí with its capital!"
With his phrase: "Manabí!! Beautiful land of my dreams. What an honor to carry in my veins the burning blood of the work and effort of your people. Let us value our legacy for your valleys, for your beaches, for your wide horizons. My great and eternal Manabí province", Nicole, the new Queen of Manabí, became one of the favorites by the public.
¿This phrase was like a hook for the public, how do you detail it?

Enjoying her family is the queen's favorite part of her daily life. She is the darling of her grandparents.
The phrase speaks by itself. I feel very proud to be a Manabita ambassador because my roots are on the surface. I have an extended family, both on the paternal and maternal side and it fills me with great pride to say it, since it represents me and makes me love my land more every day.
It should be noted that my paternal grandparents are from Manta and Chone, while my maternal grandmother is from San Plácido and it is thanks to them that I have come to love this land, which has instilled in me a bit of everything from that Manabita culture and tradition; That's why I said I had it in my veins because I've felt it since I was very young.
¿How would you help boost tourism in Manabí?
Clearly it would be through an image of beauty, as was the event on October 15, although it must be known that beauty is now not only something physical but also integral. As Manabita women, apart from being brave, we believe that we also know how to lead a home because of the character that represents us and how hard-working we are.
I would take it in such a timely manner, because we were able to observe this Saturday, with the gala that took place, that we are at the level of international shows and that if we continue promoting in this transparent way and giving a show that truly meets expectations.
To the girls that they are not only prepared physically, but also intellectually in order to call the foreign or national investor to bet on this province and realize that there is still potential here. We are in raw and there is a lot to give, not only a lot for the tourist or gastronomic part, but also what each manabita represents, be it a man or a woman.
¿How would you rate the tourist resources in the province?

Manabí is not only known for its beaches, but also for waterfalls, rivers that make tourists fall in love.
We are at a good level. In my opinion, we have great potential but we lack that part of culture and care. Sometimes people from outside come and they are the ones who teach us and maybe soak us in how to manage these natural resources, take care of our beaches, rivers, although the initial knowledge must come from us.
I see my province with a very large tourism potential, but I repeat, we need a little more education in that environmental part in order to promote it without having to cause damage or a negative effect.
¿What strategies can be applied to exploit Manabita tourism?

Working together with its people is one of the ideals of the Queen of Manabí 2022, a young entrepreneur.
We lack a bit of union and that is why in my work plans is the fact of working in the company of the 22 cantons of the province, since each girl who represents a canton is an ambassador and according to this we will unite with the municipal GADS, that without their support and that of public and private companies nothing would be possible to achieve good potential.
Many times we invest in other destinations and leave our own aside and the reason why we invest is precisely because we lack that part of promoting tourism and educating ourselves about our sector.
Manabí is not only rich in beaches, but we have the part of the mountains, valleys, rivers, waterfalls, so we go that way. Apart from the fact that Manabí has its very beautiful beaches that perhaps do not ask for favors from beaches in other countries, we must realize what the investor is looking for or what he needs from us as a bet.
I come back and emphasize that we need the cultural part, education and union on our part to achieve a good job.
This is Nicole, Queen of Manabí.
¿What has been your experience and how do you see the support of your people during the contest?

Children and adults are identified with the humility and correct words of the Queen of Manabí 2022.
It was indescribable, because when you compete in your city, not only your family will support you, but also friends, teachers or people who don't know you, but they liked you on social networks and they let themselves be carried away by your interviews where you perhaps caused something that moved them. and they wanted to bet on you.
I was and am very happy. I think my message showed. That night I tried to contain my emotions so as not to get carried away and be able to be forceful in the message and finish it in an appropriate way, but in the end it could be seen that I was very excited and happy.
First, I feel proud to be from Portovejense and from there it means being proud to be a manabita and to see a full place from the stage, to see cantons supporting the other girls, to see myself there and that I was able to do it.
It should be noted that one of my biggest fears that I had was perhaps stopping and not reaching out to people because I was carried away by my feelings. So I had to breathe and focus on my goal of educating and bringing a message of love, peace and unity. It was achieved and it was noticed.
¿What other contributions do you want to share in a few years in your province?

Care and love for animals is a priority for the Queen of Manabí 2022, who loves rescuing pets.
After graduating a few years from now, I look forward to linking my career with business to help empower girls. I'm going to say it, when I was at school I received a bit of bullying for being tall, so I want to try to empower these girls by making them understand that despite the adversities or negative comments around them, nothing can stop them. that desire to want to reach the top of your dreams.
I also see myself as an ambassador for animal care. It is within me that in a few years, there will finally be a municipal foundation for our little animals, obviously with the help of the governments.
¿What are your favorite tourist places?

Like every good man, Nicole loves each of her beaches, but her favorite place is the countryside.
One of the main places that I love is the Tablada de San Plácido, one of my favorite places where I find peace and tranquility. Apart are our beaches in the south and north of Manabí.
If we talk about other attractions, there is the parish of Chirijos, with the viewpoint of Salto del Tigre. And to know who we are, there is the Jaboncillo hill, where there is a large part of the archeology, history, culture and how our land was founded. I also like the gastronomy of Chone, but the favorite place of all those already mentioned will always be the Manabita field.
¿What message of love do you dedicate to your land on its independence anniversary?

A say representative of the Portovejense woman embraces and be proud of her land that saw her born.
My message is directed towards those young people who are trying to undertake and achieve their dreams. We are in a society where we are accepted where there are many opportunities. Also to make the older citizens understand that it is that engine of support, that it continues to instill that cultural, tourist part.
How nice it would be that as young people we promote that cultural, gastronomic, ancestral part so that all that essence and magical part calls for people from outside to want to invest, learn and see more of the tourist potential that we have here in the province of Manabí.
I wish my beautiful city in the valley congratulations on its 202 years. It really has been a city that has been growing and that is getting prettier and more beautiful every time. I feel proud to be a Portovejense. (I)